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Camera Graffiti

If you head out of Onoway, AB on the main street heading west you come up to Highway 43. You then have no choice, you have to head North as the road you are on does not cross the divided highway to allow you to go South.

Before that intersection there is a road that heads north, goes under the highway bridge and allows you to reverse direction to come up on the other side of the highway so you can head south. 

It sounds way more complicated than it is.

All you have to keep in mind is we have a road parallel to railway tracks with bridge supports separating them. Having a regional high school with regular graduating classes there has been a continuing series of graffiti on the bridge to admire. Some years the bridge is painted grey, but then along comes another group of young art students who can’t resist the temptation.

We only use the road occasionally—we have a grown daughter who lives out that way—so I was surprised to see a camera graffiti as we drove by. As you can see, there are plenty of other creations, but the camera is the only creation that represents something real.

I could understand a phone—but come to think of it the phone has become such a part of young life it almost passes notice.

Yet a camera is almost like finding a buggy whip or typewriter drawn on the bridge.

I thought it might be one of the Fuji Instant cameras. 

Anyone recognize it? 

Is that black lever above the lens the shutter release? Next to it that black half circle looks suspiciously like a Polaroid exposure compensation dial. On the front panel there may be a flash next to the edge—or is that the shutter release? 

There is no advance lever, but I would expect modern photographers would have electric advance film cameras at least. Or any digital camera wouldn’t have an advance lever. On the other hand who could have a camera without a hotshoe!

I suspect I am sounding more and more like someone who knows how a buggy whip should look…

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