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Canon 199A compared to Vivitar 285

Having acquired a Canon 199A flash—and having a Vivitar 285 flash already—a comparison of these two 4-AA battery flash could be a good idea.

Canon 199A right, Vivitar 285 below

They seem to have more similarities than differences. 

Comparing the calculators, the Canon seems a little less powerful, but that would have to be tested to be sure.

199A right, 285 below

The Canon has a hidden switch—required because its dedicated pins switch the flash to the camera’s sync speed—to allow you to choose manual speeds between 60 sec and 30 sec.

The Vivitar’s battery door is captive, while the Canon’s door comes off. 

The Vivitar flash is a little bigger (and heavier). Some of that weight is the Vivitar can be zoomed. Also the Vivitar has an accessory filter/lens holder installed (and some Velcro attached).

The Canon also turned out to be broken, while the Vivitar still works fine!


Recently acquired a working 199A

Auto range at ISO 200 Vivitar 285 Canon 199A

closest inches-10 feet at f/16 1.5-10 feet at f/11

middle range(s) inches-15 feet at f/8 3.5-18 feet at f/5.6

3-30 feet at f/4

longest range 3.5-60+ feet at f/2 6-40 feet at f/2.8

Weight 442 g 372 g

4-AA Battery cartridge yes yes

Wide panel yes yes

Range selector front back

Sensor detaches yes no

Extensive accessories yes no

Foot lock yes yes

Dedicated pins no yes

Tilts yes yes

Variable power yes no

Zoom head yes no

Canon 199A right, Vivitar 285 below

Below—Canon 199A left, Vivitar 285 right

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