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Olympus Stylus "Water" (AKA 550WP)

This 2009 Olympus Stylus “Water” is also known as a 550WP. It was purchased for $5 at a yard sale—complete with battery and charger—and with what was thought as a Memory Card.

It is a slight source of retrograde embarrassment because at the time I said, “I always check for Memory cards in Olympus cameras because the Smartmedia cards are often missing.” The lady in charge of the yard sale was non-committal on the subject, but I could see there was something in the slot. It turned out to be an adapter to allow SD cards to be loaded in a Smartmedia slot (without a SD card in it). In a way, this was even better because now I have an adapter! Seems Olympus was including this adapter with the camera having realized the Smartmedia cards were not going over well.

The Water has a ten Mega Pixel image, a slightly less than 3x (2.8x) internal zoom and was the lowest priced underwater camera selling at that time (supposedly you could buy the $239 list Water for $150 on line). It was not as hardened as later cameras but it has some software advantages.

It also has a “lens cap” which other people’s underwater cameras didn’t have.

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