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Platinum 52 mm MC-UV

This is a Platinum 52 mm MC (Multicoated?)- UV (Ultraviolet) filter in its case. I had never heard of Platinum filters, but seems they are fairly common. 

I had dropped into a fairly small thrift store and the same two cameras as the month before were in the showcase. I didn’t want either of them so proceeded to the shelves to see if they had anything more interesting. The smoked plastic case seemed interesting, so I pried it open to see what it really held. It was labelled PLATINUM 52mm MC-UVF along the spine of the box, but I have been fooled before.

It has a very thin filter mount, one of the thinest I think I have ever held. The Platinum filters are available at BestBuy and Walmart. I haven’t found any negative reviews. I ended up with this one for $1.

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Jan 27

I also had not come across "Platinum" branded filters. In doing a Google search I found reference to Walmart and BestBuy ... and also this blog ... which I find slightly confusing ....

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