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The Fotopro uFO Basic Twistable Tripod

I bought the tripod on the left—a Fotopro uFO Basic—for $1.50. The uFO Basic has rather unique legs that are made of aluminum wire with rubber tubing over them. As long as you don’t repeatably bend the leg sharply at the same spot over-and-over, they can be twisted in many ways to attach to many objects. 

Later the same day I bought the Joby tripod shown on the right for $5.24. 

Why did I pay more for the Joby? It is partly Value Village’s new check-outs. Back in the good old days when humans used cash registers they would allow you to use a $2 off any purchase of $5 or more coupon for an item ticketed $4.99. I tried to use my coupon at two Value Villages for a $4.99 item and the new tills rejected me. The first time I simply left the item. This time I wanted the ball head so I used ½ of my “points” to get $4 off, so one could say the Joby cost me just $1.04

The Joby is slightly more complicated as it has a Quick Release plate and its own ball head. 

It came with an additional ball head attached. I lusted after the ball head because the uFO Basic hasn’t a head (and its legs are fixed in their angling out too).

And, on top of that, I had noticed the ball head was missing the snug-down ring (“snug-down ring” is a descriptive term I just made up!).

In an unbelievable coincidence weeks earlier I had noticed this ring lying on the ground. Then I found it had the right thread for a tripod screw. I had been waiting for a chance to use it.

Here is the complete ball head with snug-down ring, ready to install.

Here was how the uFO Basic head appeared as purchased.

Now with ball head attached.

And the final assembly with snug-down ring.

Actually there are two snug-down rings in the image. The uFO Basic has a thumb wheel just above the red “cap” to the legs. Ideally, as purchased, you would thread the entire uFO tripod screw into the camera’s tripod socket until it engages to the bottom, then you would spin the thumb-wheel up to tighten everything together.

The jokes on me though. Turns out I already have the Joby tripod.

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