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Two Film Exposure Aids

I was cleaning out a metal photographer’s case when I came across two film instruction sheets. One was for astral (no capitals) brand ISO 100 colour print film. The other was the side panel from a Fujicolor film box with terse exposure info printed on the inside.

Let’s start with the astral film sheet. It is highly informative with headings:

  • Film Handling—loading/unloading, use quickly

  • Light Source—best sources and using flash

  • Daylight Exposure Guide Table—light conditions and recommended exposure

  • Process C-41 Film Storage

  • Important Notice—Legal responsibility

  • Imported by—A.B.P. Ltd. (Astral Photo) based in Montreal Quebec.

The other side of the sheet has a complete French language version.

The Fujicolor Super HR 400 box side shows it has DX coding.

On the other side the instructions are abbreviated from the astral sheet

Note they sum up a lot of the information in a short paragraph! 

The exposure calculator table uses the principle of choosing a basic shutter speed and then modifying the exposure with a small range of f/stops.

Strangely the only other information is in German?

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