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Yashica Auto Focus S Instructions

As mentioned in an earlier blog I sometimes collect instruction books. In this case a collecting friend handed me a camera’s box with the front of an ever ready case, a foam camera* and two instruction books. The Kodak Ektralite 10 (not shown, but featured in a separate blog) and the Yashica Auto Focus S. I checked and although I have 21 Yashica cameras, I don’t have a Yashica Auto Focus S.

I find instruction books freeze time. For example, when this instruction book was printed the back cover lists 13 Yashica offices in Japan, Hong Kong, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, West Germany, Austria, Brazil, Canada and four offices in the United States. Now I imagine they are all gone.

For a reasonably simple camera, there are a lot of pointers, cautions and suggestions!

Note: The foam camera will be featured in its own small blog. It was from Infinite Eye Photography.

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